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In the realm of character design, the roots of inspiration often trace back to the depths of mythology. As I set out on this creative odyssey to bring the Viking characters ‘Bloodaxe’ and ‘Lagertha’ to life, I find myself entwined in the captivating tales of Norse mythology.

The Mythical Tapestry of Norse Legends – Norse mythology, a tapestry woven with gods, heroes, and epic sagas, offers a boundless source of inspiration. Delving into the stories of Odin, Thor, Freyja, and the countless mythical beings, I unearthed a wealth of characteristics, attributes, and narratives that could infuse depth into my characters. The godly power of Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, the allure of Freyja’s enchanting necklace, Brísingamen, and the valiant deeds of heroes like Sigurd all cast a spell on my creative imagination.

Incorporating Mythic Elements – Examples from the mythic tales of Norse legends have become integral to the design process. The intricate designs of Bloodaxe’s armor draw inspiration from the patterns etched into Mjölnir, reflecting the strength and resilience of the thunder god. Lagertha’s aura is infused with the mystique of Brísingamen, her necklace becoming a symbol of her wisdom and allure.

Furthermore, the concept of the Valkyries, warrior maidens who guide the fallen heroes to Valhalla, influences the spirit of Lagertha, transforming her into a fierce and formidable character. By embracing these mythical elements, I aim to infuse an aura of authenticity and resonance into the characters’ design.

A Saga of Design Evolution As I tread the path of character design, I am guided by the whispers of ancient myths. With each stroke of the digital brush and every sculpted detail, the legacy of Norse mythology finds a place in Bloodaxe and Lagertha. Their journey transcends the pixels and polygons, encompassing the very essence of the mythical sagas that have stood the test of time.


Sky History. SEVEN OF THE MOST IMPORTANT GODS AND GODDESSES IN NORSE MYTHOLOGY. Sky History Available at: [Accessed on: June 2, 2023]

World History Encyclopedia. (2021). Norse Mythology: an Introduction to the Norse Gods, Goddesses, Myths and Legends. Available at: [Accessed on: June 2, 2023]

Groeneveld, E. (2017). Norse Mythology. [Accessed on: June 2, 2023]

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Influential Viking Art: A Visual Exploration