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Once the intricate character detailing was skillfully executed, I embarked on a captivating journey to sculpt Bloodaxe’s formidable weapons, especially his signature ‘Dragger.’ My approach here mirrored the precision employed throughout the project.

For Dragger’s design, I employed the same projection technique that had proven effective earlier. This involved meticulously projecting patterns onto the knife, effectively infusing it with the details it deserved. However, before diving into the weapon’s sculpt, I began with a basic block-out. Using the dynamic capabilities of Dynamesh, I shaped the initial form of the Dragger and subsequently honed it to perfection.

What set this phase apart was the crafting of intricate patterns adorning the weapon. Rather than relying on alphas, I chose a hands-on method. I manually etched the patterns into the surface and extruded them to achieve depth and texture. With the patterns meticulously in place, I shifted focus to finer details, incorporating subtle traces and grunge to impart an authentic and battle-hardened appearance to both the weapons and their handles. This endeavour showcased the fusion of technique and creativity, contributing to the overall authenticity of Bloodaxe’s arsenal.

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Refining Realism: Navigating the High Poly and Detailing Phase