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Following the triumphant creation of Bloodaxe’s low-poly counterpart and its subsequent bake, the spotlight now shifts to Lagertha. With her character design anchored on preset models, the process of generating her low-poly variant begins. Although her preset origin already places her in the realm of low polygon count, strategic augmentation is required to facilitate the upcoming texture bake.

Drawing upon the utility of Zbrush, selective augmentations are undertaken on Lagertha’s high-poly elements. These modifications serve as a catalyst for imbuing additional depth and intricacy into her character design. With these refined high-poly components, Marmoset then steps into the scene, shouldering the responsibility of meticulously baking the intricate details that define her identity.

By orchestrating these harmonized steps, Lagertha’s low-poly rendition is poised to mirror her formidable stature while poised for the transformative touch of texture application.

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Optimizing Bloodaxe for Real-time