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As the characters assumed their spirited poses, my journey took an exhilarating turn toward the realm of Unreal Engine. Guiding my Vikings into this dynamic domain, I meticulously imported them, imbuing them with digital life.

In this virtual realm, textures are the garments of the soul. Ensuring my characters donned their finest, I draped them in meticulously crafted materials. However, the virtual world, like reality, has its quirks. I encountered an old nemesis – a subtle discrepancy in Roughness and Metalness maps that once plagued my previous project. This time, armed with newfound wisdom, I swiftly resolved these discrepancies, ensuring the textures harmonized flawlessly.

Applying Textures to the materials
Bloodaxe with applied textures in UE
High Res Screenshot
High Res Screenshot
High Res Screenshot
High Res Screenshot

But the virtual voyage held more surprises. The normal maps, symbols of texture depth, played tricks again, flipping as if mischievous spirits were at play. Yet, with each challenge comes an opportunity to master. Armed with digital brushes instead of chisels, I stepped into Photoshop’s arena to manually correct the flipped maps, realizing the issue was nestled within the very texture creation realm.

With the Vikings now splendidly adorned, I captured these moments through high-resolution screenshots, cherishing a glimpse into their newfound digital habitat. In this exhilarating juncture, the epic narrative that had spanned concepts, sculptures, textures, and rigging now beckoned to come alive, pulsating within the Unreal realm.

Next Story
Breathing Life into Stillness: Rigging and Posing the Mighty Vikings