
Digital Media

Digital Media: Sources and Significance

Blog Post Categories


Digital Media Categories ReaderCritical AnalysisAcademic Blog 01. Bailey, E. N., Miyata, K., & Yoshida, T. (2021). Gender Composition of Teams and Studios in Video Game Development. Games and Culture, 16(1), 42–64. [Accessed: 26 December 2022] This article focuses on video game development that has a long history of being an overwhelmingly male-dominated field. Recently, however, there…

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Critical Analysis

Digital Media Categories ReaderCritical AnalysisAcademic Blog Pallant, C. (2010). Disney-Formalism: Rethinking ‘Classic Disney’. Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5(3), pp. 344-348. Available from: [Accessed: 05 January 2023] Chris Pallant begins this section of his essay titled ‘Disney-Formalism: Rethinking ‘Classic Disney’ by focusing on the consequences faced by Disney aftermath of the economic depression. The release of Steamboat…

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Academic Blog

Digital Media Categories ReaderCritical AnalysisAcademic Blog Academic Blog Post – 01 2D vs 3D Digital Art Painting and sculpture have been around for centuries, and both disciplines involve the use of 2D or 3D elements. However, there is a growing trend to keep these two disciplines separate. In this article, I will discuss some of…

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